We've curated a list of astrophotography video resources on YouTube that can help you improve your skills and your photos. Star Trails, Milky Way, and more!
Tag - dslr
See how stacking multiple wide-field night-sky exposures can gain you a lot of detail and color in your astrophotography. The work is worth it!
5 things every astrophotographer should know about their camera in order to maximize success in the field and make astrophotography more rewarding!
How Petr Horálek managed to capture a beautiful image of the rarely-seen gegenschein and get an APOD feature.
How to choose and set the correct white balance for night-sky astrophotography photos -- keep your whites white with colour temperature!
Photographing an ISS (International Space Station) flyover is not as difficult as it may seem. You don't need fancy imagining software or top of the range...
Learn how long you should plan your star trail shoots for to get the results you want, with real-world star trail examples so you don't quit too early!
Path, by Tyler Sichelski. The Milky Way lines up perfectly with an Arizona road.
We want to celebrate and reward hard-working astrophotographers. How does $2,000 (USD) worth of the Celestron gear sound?
Learn an easy way to create REAL diffraction spikes on bright stars using your refractor telescope or lens.